
Volunteer Program

Woodlands has a rich history and tradition of parent involvement.  Woodlands believes parental involvement, family engagement, and community partnerships increase and improve student learning and development. Woodlands is committed to utilizing volunteers from the school community to assist in the educational process.  In our efforts to ensure an inclusive school community, we are implementing a volunteer process as we welcome back volunteers to our community following the restrictions during the pandemic.
Volunteers shall only be utilized in accordance with established guidelines. All persons who volunteer are required to complete the volunteer application process prior to beginning their volunteer activity.  Criminal background checks shall be required of all volunteers ages 18 or older, who participate in volunteer activities. Volunteer records will be subject to review and monitored for updated information regarding eligibility. Volunteers whose prior history, including criminal history, demonstrates a risk to the safety or well-being of students will be denied participation in volunteer activities.
Volunteers are identified as anyone who provides unpaid assistance for Woodlands, in a school, more than two times in a school year for most activities and/or anyone on a single instance who supervises students chaperone on a field trip, supervises students individually or supervises a school event.  

Volunteers must:

To apply to become a volunteer, please complete and submit the Volunteer Application.  
Applications must be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to an event to allow processing time. 

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